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North Africa - LibyaMissions Operations

EUBAM Libya. A mission in a difficult environment

(BRUSSELS2) The deployment of the border assistance mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya) will take place in a fragile security situation and a delicate political context. European leaders are well aware of this.

A fragile security situation

« If we have fallen behind, it is because of the security situation explained a European official the day after its adoption by the Council of Ministers of the EU. She stays " fragile ". And the Europeans remain worried "particularly because" militias paid by the government but not so controlled or events in Benghazi. It's not just the attack on the US embassy in September that worries. "But also other recent events that have an impact on our ability to act in the country ».

The situation in the south of the country is not very reassuring either. " We can clearly see the lack of knowledge of what is happening in the South when we speak with the Libyan authorities. Reports say that fighters are leaving Mali to return to Libya to establish bases there or go to other countries. But we have little information he explains.

A political situation more predictable than a year ago »

The security delay is explained by the delay at the political level. “Sif we had to wait for a solid and fully functioning government, we would have to wait another 2 to 3 years says a European official. Certainly " the political situation is better ". But " the transition took longer than expected”. The Libyan authorities have decided on an election to set up a new assembly responsible for proposing a new Constitution which will have to be approved by referendum. It is only then that elections can take place, that is to say “late 2014 or later”.

The risk of the Political Isolation Law

Libya passed a law which will prevent all those who participated in the Gaddafi regime from occupying public responsibilities, which risks destabilizing the country ". European officials plan that many members of the current government are going to have to leave and senior officials in the administration ". Although this decision is respected because " souveraine The specter of what happened in Iraq looms large. We remember the consequences we had de-Baathification" (displaced from the Baath Party) and the consequences that this had and with which we still have to struggle today, 10 years later ».

Mission security, outsourced to a private company

The protection of personnel will eat up a good part of the budget of the 30 million euros allocated to the mission. In the immediate future, the mission is engaged by a " transition agreement with a private company that already provides security for the EU delegation in Tripoli. After this period, Europe will compare " the market offers but it is quite limited explains an official.

Read on B2: EUBAM Libya, is it on?

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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