B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Month: September 2016

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Notebook (29.09.2016). COPS (Agenda). Sanctions (Russia, Transnistria, North Korea). Dual use (legislation). Türkiye (aid). Ukraine (visa). Minusma (Denmark). Sweden-Italy (cooperation). AIM Norway (privatization). Afghanistan (Hezb-e-Islami). Colombia (peace). Azerbaijan (referendum).…

(B2) Recently published: A few gaps in the family photo in Bratislava* Red lines for the regionalization of CSDP in the Sahel (Jacques Fradin) Strengthening defence? Europeans are divided on the

El Presidente Juan Manuel Santos y el Jefe de las Farc, Rodrigo Londoño, utilizaron el balígrafo para firmar el Acuerdo Final de Paz.
Business NewsAmericassanctions

The European Union suspends sanctions on the FARC… until they are lifted

(B2) The suspension of sanctions against the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) came into effect on Tuesday (27 September). A measure taken within the framework of the Colombian peace agreement concluded between

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Notebook (27.09.2016). Fallon (veto sand). Humanitarian aid (Yemen, Iraq). Germany (Aegean Sea). Finland-USA. Cyprus (reunification). Syria (Aleppo). Libya (government). Middle East (Quartet). Afghanistan (peace agreement). Iran (followed by…

(B2) Recently published: On the informal agenda Defense of Bratislava For defence, European research is vital* Famas replacement chosen. A French contribution to the Franco-German couple The sheet of

Jorge Domecq at the last meeting of the CHODs, in May 2016 with the presidents of the NATO military committees (P. Pavel) - on the left - and M. Kostarakos - on the right
EU defense (doctrine)Defense industryInterview

[Interview] Research, working capital, EIB loans, Jorge Domecq’s (EDA) solutions on defense

(B2) On the eve of the informal meeting of Defense Ministers in Bratislava, Jorge Domecq, the Director of the European Defense Agency, takes stock of the various projects underway, in particular the

Dimitri Medvedev, Russian President, inaugurates the works of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. It is the main pipeline for transporting gas between Russia and the EU. (Credit: Gazprom)
Business NewsEU diplomacy

MEPs for gas diplomacy

(B2) Faced with the coming cold, MEPs want to put energy diplomacy back in the spotlight to avoid a recurrence of the 2009 crisis. In the report which should be approved in

the two French and German ministers near a destroyed bridge in Sloviansk during their joint visit (credit: German Foreign Min.)
Business NewsEU diplomacyRussia Ukraine Caucasus

An addendum to the Minsk agreements on withdrawal from the line of contact

(B2) The OSCE trilateral contact group reached a framework agreement on the disengagement of forces in Minsk on Wednesday (21 September). This agreement will concern three pilot areas: Stanytsa Louhanska and Zolote,
