B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Month: November 2018

A Russian Krasukha-2 electronic warfare vehicle. This device would be capable of disrupting the guidance of missiles and AWACS aircraft. (Russian Defense Ministry)
Business NewsRussia Ukraine Caucasus

Trident Juncture: Russia accused of jamming GPS during NATO exercise

(B2) During the NATO Trident Juncture exercise, several countries observed interference with their GPS signals. Norway and Finland have clearly pointed to neighboring Russia as responsible. Incidents that

The spokesperson for the High Representative of the EU answering questions from journalists recalls the very firm appeal launched by the High Representative in Kosovo, as in Serbia (credit: European Commission / EBS)
Business NewsEU defense (doctrine)

CARD: experiment completed. We go to the real phase (V2)

(B2) Defense Ministers decided on Monday (19 November) to give a more definitive turn to the Coordinated Annual Review on Defense (CARD) The CARD pilot exercise, led by the European Defense Agency

The ITRE committee at the time of the vote, chair: Jerzy Buzek (credit: European Parliament / selection B2)
Pro DecryptionDefense financing

[Decryption] European Defense Fund: Parliament's position in view of the trilogue

(B2) After the Council of Ministers, Parliament is making progress on the European Defense Fund (Fedef). The Industry Committee adopted the report by Zdzisław Krasnodębski (Ind/ECR) on Wednesday 21 November. Parliament will thus be able to

Watch book

Notebook (21.11.2018). Defense (Romania-defense, Czechia budget, Netherlands innovation, Germany misinformation, SU57 flight test). Diplomacy (Afghanistan-attack, EU-India, EU-Cuba, Austria-Israel criticism, US warning). Aids (Sahel West Africa aids). Security (SIS 2…

(B2) Recently published: PESCO will be open to third countries… but not immediately and not without exclusive conditions – European Defense Agency desperately seeks budget for 2019 The '28' conclude a
