B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Day: 21th June 2019

E. Macron, P. Sanchez, D. Tusk, A. Merkel in great confabulation on the sidelines of the European Council. Minds are preoccupied (credit: Council of the EU)
Business NewsEU diplomacyIran

[Verbatim] On the brink of an Iran-USA conflict, Europe concerned but powerless

(B2 to Justus Lipsius) European leaders did not discuss the situation in the Gulf after the new escalation between Iran and the United States. It is a fact. Nor the US drone shot down by Tehran

Watch book

Notebook (21.06.2019). PESC (High Representative. JCPOA, Crash MH17). Defense (Outsourcing. Finland CHOD. Cyberdefense CCDCOA. Thales Eurodrone. Germany frigate TKMS. Sweden Submarine SAAB. Norway Ground air Raytheon). Diplomacy (EU-USA Mogherini.…

(B2) Recently published: (blog) Centrafrique. The first detachment to Bouar leaves Forages sauvage in Cypriot waters. Disgruntled EU waves 'sanctions' rag against Turkey Summit conclusions adopted. Several points of contact
