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[Portrait] The seven people who matter to the European Defense Fund (EDEF) in the European Parliament

(B2) The rapporteurs of the political groups of the European Parliament will be the main actors in the future discussion on the European Defense Fund. Discover them

The discussion on the European Defense Fund (EDEF) is in fact not over. At the end of the previous mandate, in April 2019, the Parliament and the Council reached a partial agreement on most of the regulation. There remains one important point: the budget. This is the 'big piece' that awaits MEPs and their rapporteurs. On the rest, nothing prevents current MEPs from reviewing certain passages in substance according to the old principle of 'there is no agreement on anything until there is agreement on everything'.

The 'historical' rapporteur: Zdzisław Krasnodębski

The Polish guy Zdzisław Krasnodębski (ECR/PiS) took over from Françoise Grossetête on defense financing issues. He was the rapporteur of the proposal establishing the European Defense Fund since 2018. By renewing it, MEPs bet for continuity. Although a member of the Polish conservatives, he showed both a certain know-how, a certain skill and objectivity in the conduct of the work.

During the previous mandate, he obtained, according to his own words, a series of changes: that “ direct management of the fund is carried out by the European Commission ", one " separate budget » is planned for disruptive technologies, that there is “ no limit for billing indirect costs "," preferential participation in the fund for SMEs and medium-sized companies » and progress on the « ethical control of project financing ».

Six shadow rapporteurs (Shadow rapporteurs)

PPE. Shadow rapporteur for the 'popular right' of the EPP, the French François-Xavier Bellamy (LR) says “ having fought » to land this position eyed by MEPs “ more open to American industry ". If the " always thought that the European army is a fable", he says he is convinced that on “ the defense industry there is an idea to defend ". For him, the European Defense Fund is “ the means of acquiring strategic autonomy, essential to influence the international game ". Head of the Les Républicains list for the 2019 European elections, François-Xavier Bellamy is in his first mandate as a European deputy.

S&D. The S&D social democrats nominated the Italian Patricia Toia (Democratic Party) as shadow rapporteur. A role which will be influenced by her position as vice-president (since 2009) of the ITRE commission. 

Renew. It is Dominique Riquet (Radical Social Liberal Movement) who was appointed shadow rapporteur for the liberal centrists of the Renew group. French already knows the European Defense Fund well, having already been shadow rapporteur during the previous mandate, under the ALDE label. “ This fund will allow us to better integrate defense tools. This is, of course, not a simple technical or budgetary device, it is an important political step forward in terms of integration » he declared in Parliament in April 2019. He is vice-president of the Renew group.

Greens/ALE. The Greens have nominated a German, Michael Bloss (Die Grünen), who is beginning his first term in the European Parliament. He is also a member of the delegation for relations with the United States.

I&D. The nationalist right-wing group I&D nominated the Italian Isabelle Tovaglieri (Liga), for whom this is his first European mandate.

FORD. The Belgian Marc Botenga (PTB) represents the radical and alternative left (GUE). It is also his first mandate.

(ES and NGV)

Read also: The European Defense Fund adopted by the European Parliament with a majority far from being massive

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