B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Affaire skipral

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Notebook (04.09.2019). Confidential (Agenda. PSC+9. EUCAP Somalia. EUTM Mali. Sophia). PESC (NGO letter. American in Brussels. Mogherini). Defense (Poland-Czechia aviation. Poland-US cooperation. Jiri Sedivy. Belgium Reaper. Denmark sonars. Netherlands…

(B2) Recently published: Balkans: the Albanian case continues to divide. Despite efforts, enthusiasm for enlargement wanes Pesco Project No. 13: Cyber ​​Attack Rapid Response Teams and Cybersecurity Mutual Assistance

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Notebook (15.02.2019). Confidential (US Lobbying, Section 346). Pesc (Daesh delisting). Operations (Norway spearfishing, Special Forces command 'center'). Defense (Explosive precursors accord, Skripal 3rd suspect, Czech purchase, Belgium F-35, FN…

(B2) Recently published: From Saudi Arabia to the Virgin Islands, 23 countries considered at risk for the financing of terrorism Treaty INF. The European Parliament wants to save the treaty Treaty on nuclear forces to
