B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Amelie de Montchalin

Amélie de Montchalin, French Secretary of State for European Affairs; Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations at the General Affairs Council
Business NewsBalkansNeighborhood enlargement

No agreement for North Macedonia and Albania. The reform of the accession process, a disguised veto?

(B2) The Europeans are torn on a subject: should we open EU accession negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia or not? Mischievous, France seems to have found 'the' scheme to

Watch book

Notebook (01.04.2019). Confidential (COPS, NATO budget, EU-Pakistan). Operations (Manusom). Defense (Defense products list, Belgium training, France super-computer). Diplomacy (Iran ballistic missiles, Libya Quartet, EU-Arab League, EU-Iraq reconstruction, Yemen return…

(B2) Recently published: (April 1) Brexit or not, the Queen of England will remain a European citizen (editorial) European defence: stop declaiming, let's detail! (blog) Four million euros invested for the security forces
