B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

European Security and Defense College

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Notebook (07.11.2018). Confidential (COPS). Sanctions (North Korea). PSDC (Defence College-budget, Battleroups-Mogherini, Somalia-piracy). Diplomacy (EU-Canada multilateralism, Ebola-security, Cameroon-kidnapping). Aid (Prevention health-mechanism, Yemen-humanitarian). Security (Eurojust-reform, Terrorism-end of mandate, Schengen-Bulgaria and…

(B2) Recently published: An arms strategy for the Balkans Strengthening the compromised MPCC (blog) What Defense Europe is. What it is not Faced with threats, Macron offers a

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Notebook (09.02.2018). Defense College (cyber). COPS (Agenda). Kuwait (terrorism). OPCW (funding). EUPOL Copps (staff). Jobs (EUAM Ukraine, EUISS). Salvador, Sierra Leone (MOE). Belgium (outsourcing). Russia (export). Afghanistan (cooperation). UNRWA (funding).…

(B2) Recently published: Brexit. “The security interests of the Europe of 27 and Great Britain are and will be linked and convergent” (Antoine Bouvier) La Grosse Koalition defines its programme. The Bundeswehr must become

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Notebook (16.05.2017). EUCAP Somalia (staff). EULEX Kosovo, College (budget). Role 1 (concept). Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (sanctions). African Union (partnership). EEAS (directory). Afghanistan (NATO). Belgium (cost of Vigilant Guardian). Minusca (attack). Korea…

(B2) Recently published: Security support and humanitarian aid, the two priorities of the EU in the Horn of Africa The Germans propose a series of projects to put in the PESCO Free Trade Agreement
