B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Corps européen de garde-frontères

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Notebook (19.04.2019). Confidential (enlargement report, Africa Peace Facility, Myanmar sanctions). Defense (Parly Yemen, Chad investigation, United Kingdom Underwater drones). Diplomacy (Libya bombings, Russia detentions, Cuba Helms-Burton, Caribbean Am. Latin strategy –…

(B2) Recently published: The European Defense Fund adopted by the European Parliament by a far from massive majority Manfred Weber's three ideas that can shake the European coconut tree In Agadez, for

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Notebook (13.02.2019). Confidential (European Summit, EP classified information). CFSP (EU-Cambodia withdrawal, EU-Morocco fisheries). Defense (EP artificial intelligence, NATO cyber hub, Austria European army, Netherlands radars, Poland artillery, Naval group, etc.

(B2) Recently published: The new civil protection mechanism (RescUE) adopted by the European Parliament Defence: States, industries must cooperate. Question of cost and autonomy (Jyrki Katainen) Relations between the Union
