B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Didier Reynders

Brüsszel, 2017. december 7. A Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium (KKM) által közreadott képen Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter beszédet mond a jogállamiság magyarországi helyzetéről tartott meghallgat áson az Európai Parlament (EP) belügyi, állampolgári jogi és igazságügyi szakbizottsága (LIBE) ülésén Brüsszelben 2017. december 7-en. MTI Photo: KKM
Confidential ProEU diplomacyisrael palestine

Jerusalem. Hungary goes it alone and blocks any statement on behalf of the 28

(B2) Hungary has said it clearly to its various partners: it does not agree to a statement made "in the name of the 28" on Jerusalem, to condemn, or at least regret

Didier Reynders wants to impose compensation for the destruction committed in the Palestinian territories. The minister on his arrival at the gymnich (credit: EU Council)
Business NewsEU diplomacyisrael palestine

European action in the Middle East, the EU launches a review

(B2) The High Representative of the Union, Federica Mogherini, announced in Tallinn on Friday (8 September) that she had decided, with the European Commission, to initiate a review, "of all the modalities of our commitment on THE

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Notebook (16.05.2017). EUCAP Somalia (staff). EULEX Kosovo, College (budget). Role 1 (concept). Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (sanctions). African Union (partnership). EEAS (directory). Afghanistan (NATO). Belgium (cost of Vigilant Guardian). Minusca (attack). Korea…

(B2) Recently published: Security support and humanitarian aid, the two priorities of the EU in the Horn of Africa The Germans propose a series of projects to put in the PESCO Free Trade Agreement

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Notebook (04.02.2016) EUSR Human rights. EUSR Religious freedoms? Libya (EUBAM/Liaison Cell). Burundi (Reynders). Coalition against Daesh (Rome). Poland-France. Netherlands (US stock). NATO (France). Schengen (Greece). Hotspots Greece (Army).…

(B2) Recently published: At the Gymnich, the informal meeting of Foreign Ministers (February 5 and 6, 2016) European Border & Coast Guard: “Decide as soon as possible” (Fabrice Leggeri) The United States want
