B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers


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Notebook (04.04.2017). Recruitment (EUBAM Rafah/EUSR). PSDC (training). Non-proliferation (thinks-tank). Libya (sanctions). Yemen (sanctions). Türkiye (Facility for Refugees). Iraq (collateral damage). Russia (attack). Israel (colonies). Gabon (dialogue). DRC (assassinations). Belarus…

(B2) Recently published: An Indian dhow captured by pirates (blog) The EU sets its conditions for the reconstruction of Syria The Somali government must take its security in hand. It's urgent say the 28

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Notebook (05.02.2017). Jumbo Defense. European Council (Tusk). EUBAM (presidential guard). COPS (diary). Financing (EDA). EEAS (Egypt). Iraq (Daesh). Ukraine (violence). Belgrade-Pristina (frank discussion). Arctic (militarization). Libya (Türkiye). DRC (sanctions/Tshisekedi). Gabon…

(B2) Recently published: The advisory mission to the Ukrainian security forces “EUAM Ukraine” Review of B2 in 2016… and projects for 2017 (blog) In Malta, Europeans are committed

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Notebook (27.09.2016). Fallon (veto sand). Humanitarian aid (Yemen, Iraq). Germany (Aegean Sea). Finland-USA. Cyprus (reunification). Syria (Aleppo). Libya (government). Middle East (Quartet). Afghanistan (peace agreement). Iran (followed by…

(B2) Recently published: On the informal agenda Defense of Bratislava For defence, European research is vital* Famas replacement chosen. A French contribution to the Franco-German couple The sheet of

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Notebook (21.09.2016). Nigeria (readmission). Belarus (economic aid). Egypt (help). Palestine (help). United Kingdom (Anti-missile decoys). Netherlands (Minusma). AMISOM (sexual abuse). Gabon (Observers). DR Congo (violence). Syria (air raid). Iran (nuclear). Cashmere…

(B2) Recently published: The European arsenal of sanctions against Daesh and Al-Qaida reinforced. Foreign fighters targeted Medal for Serbian VPDs engaged in the Indian Ocean* NTIC loses its case against the European Union. A

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Notebook (28.07.2016). EUTM Mali (Senate report). Interpol (Daesh coalition). Iraq (UNAMI). Spain (submarine S-80). Afghanistan (attack). Libya (international coalition). Somalia (attack). Senegal (migration). Israel (colonies). France (attack). Gabon (EOM). Brexit…

(B2) Recently published: A specialist in the Middle East appointed EU ambassador to Turkey* Mosul, a decisive military and ideological battle for the future of Iraq (Rosamaria Gili)* In summer rhythm An Finnish woman at the head
