B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Mikhail Kostarakos

Exercise Bois Belleau with the Americans in Djibouti (credit: DICOD November 2017 / Archives B2)
Business NewsMissions Operations

[Verbatim] Strengths, challenges, difficulties of EU military missions/operations (Kostarakos)

(B2) General Mikhail Kostarakos, Chairman of the EU Military Committee, outlined, during the hearing before the European Parliament on 24 January last, the strengths and challenges facing the six missions and operations

Watch book

Notebook (31.01.2018). COPS (Agenda). Sanctions (Tunisia). EEAS (recruitment). Kosovo (Schwendiman). Central African Republic (visit). Ukraine (CSDP). Cyprus (UN Mission). Italy (F-35B). Anti mines (Belgium). South Korea (cyber). Paraguay (MOE). Afghanistan (aid…

(B2) Recently published: Europeans extend sanctions on Zimbabwe Italy invests in Libya, Niger and Tunisia in 2018 The 27 consider security agreements with the United Kingdom during the transition
