B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers


Martin Kobler meeting with the Libyan Presidential Council in Tripoli, Tuesday April 5. (Credit: Kobler, twitter feed)
Business NewsNorth Africa - LibyaEU diplomacy

Al-Sarraj's government arrives in Tripoli. Is the European bet on Libya about to be won?

(B2) The arrival in Tripoli of the Libyan Presidential Council and the UN special envoy, Martin Kobler, the rallying of several entities to the new government deemed legitimate by the international community... in barely a week,

Fayez Saraj aboard the Libyan ship (credit: F. Saraj)
Watch book

Notebook (31.03.2016). Türkiye-EU (conclusions). Libya (COPS). Iraq (Czech trainers). Netherlands (army). Slovenia (rest time). France (B2M). United Kingdom (defence attachés). Greece (Frontex staff, humanitarian aid). France (Multi-mission vessel). Libya…

(B2) Recently published: EUTM Mali's third mandate approved (blog) Migrants rescued in the Mediterranean Sea © Confidential PESC / PSDC © EU-Turkey. Error in conclusions. A corrected version of the conclusions of the summit

As Libya celebrates 5 years since the start of its Arab Spring, a political solution is needed (Credit: PE)
Business NewsNorth Africa - LibyaEU diplomacy

The EU only recognizes one government in Libya. That of al-Sarraj

(B2) The Europeans want to speed up the implementation of the Libyan political agreement and move on to the subsequent phases, in particular technical and security assistance. A single legitimate government At their monthly meeting, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
