B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

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Central Southern Africa

Towards another CSDP mission in the Central African Republic

(BRUSSELS2) The "28" are ready to engage more in the Central African Republic. Since they were unable to launch the EUFOR RCA operation today, the ministers approved certain planning documents (operation plan and rules of engagement). They also stressed the need for a "acceleration" the preparation of the EUFOR RCA operation with a view to enabling its « rapid launch, in accordance with the commitments of the European Union".

Options for a future security assistance mission

The European Union is ready to go further. The Council thus recalls « its commitment to study the modalities of a future engagement in the field of the rule of law and the reform of the security sector”. The 28 have thus « invited the High Representative to reflect on the different options that could be implemented in the area of ​​security sector reform ». This is the necessary prelude to planning a new mission (EUSEC RCA type) which could thus give rise to a crisis management concept (CMC). This is part of the "exit" strategy of the EUFOR RCA military operation.

A very strong need

According to our information, both the police and the Central African gendarmerie are effectively deprived of everything. In Bangui, “There are only a few dozen police officers for the whole city. And their police stations are empty. There is nothing » an officer familiar with the area told B2. Admittedly, the goodwill and determination of the forces of order are present. « The police have not been paid for several months. And, despite everything, they all answered present. » But that may not be enough in the long run. And the number of police forces - we must add a few dozen gendarmes - is not enough for a city like Bangui.

Support Misca

The EU also "reaffirms" its commitment, « including financial, in favor of MISCA and calls for the urgent mobilization of the financial means announced at the donors' conference” organized by the African Union on 1 February 2014. It should be recalled that the Commission announced its intention to provide aid of more than 100 million euros for the CAR, in particular for the restoration of the State and the restoration of social services (education, health and food security/nutrition) and the preparation of elections.

Restoration of the rule of law and fight against impunity

The European Union repeated its traditional messages: the process of political transition and the preparation of the elections. « The continuation of the efforts of the transitional authorities aimed at restoring the rule of law, the restoration of security, the restoration of the administration and the establishment of rules of good economic governance, as well as interfaith dialogue and intercommunity mediation » are essential, underline the 28. The press release also recalls the need to « the fight against impunity ». "The perpetrators of violations must answer for their acts before the courts". And the decision of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open a preliminary examination of the situation in CAR, as well as the work of the International Commission of Inquiry is "greeted".

Concerned about the humanitarian crisis

In general, the EU remains « extremely concerned » by “the humanitarian impact of the crisis in the Central African Republic which persists despite regional and international efforts on the ground”. The conditions for the survival of populations remain « precarious, especially inside the country where humanitarian access remains difficult » note the Europeans. The EU is particularly concerned « by threats, in terms of security, against civilian populations and by the consequences, in particular humanitarian ones, of the massive forced departures of Central Africans and migrants, mostly Muslims » to neighboring countries (Chad, Cameroon, DR Congo - ex-Zaire - and Congo (Brazzaville)). It still fears an overflow, that the Central African conflict will affect the neighboring countries of the CAR and "calls for respect for the integrity of the country".

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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