B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Month: December 2014

Differences in parliamentary control depending on the country sometimes complicate European engagement, here the square of honor of the Ucatex camp in Bangui, headquarters of EUFOR RCA (© NGV / B2)
'MEMO SHEETPSDC Crisis Management (doctrine)

[Memo Sheet] The decision to send forces (OPEX): executive or parliamentary control

(BRUSSELS2) In Europe, decisions to send troops are subject to various constitutional procedures ranging from a simple presidential decision (France), preceded, where appropriate, by a government decision (Poland) and information from Parliament (Greece ,

Last farewell to General Lion's troops (here facing the Georgians) (credit: EUFOR RCA)
Central Southern AfricaInterviewMissions Operations

[Interview] EUFOR RCA: 8 and a half months later (General Lion)

(BRUXELLES2) Where is the EUFOR operation in Bangui in the Central African Republic? Is the situation improving in the city? What conclusions can be drawn from a multinational operation for the future of European operations? The general's answers

V. Peftiev (credit: Charter 97)
Pro DecryptionCase lawRussia Ukraine Caucasussanctions

[Decryption] A Belarusian oligarch wins his case before the Tribunal. Symbolic decision with delayed effect?

(BRUSSELS2) The judgment pronounced by the General Court of the EU on December 9, 2014, even if it has no direct practical effect, will have to be carefully considered by the European authorities. Because it destroys a number of arguments including

The "Steinmeier-Hammond" proposal was soon endorsed. The Neighborhood Commissioner, J. Hahn, the Austrian Ministers S. Kurz, and German WF. Steinmeier (credit / EU Council)
Business NewsBalkansNeighborhood enlargement

Bosnia and Herzegovina, the 28 approve the new approach

(BRUSSELS2) The 28 Foreign Ministers approved on Monday (December 15), without firing a shot, a "renewed approach" of the European Union towards Bosnia-Herzegovina. The German-British initiative advocating “A new direction for Bosnia and Herzegovina”,
