B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Month: January 2017

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Notebook (18.01.2017). Steinmeier (farewell). COPS (calendar). EUTM RCA (USA). Iraq (mission). Middle East (conclusions). North Korea (ships). Force Barkhane (arrests). Burundi (AMISOM). South Sudan (Regional Force). Circular economy (project).…

(B2) Recently published: Two Italians for a perch… And only one winner (blog) The length of proceedings before the Court engages the responsibility of the Union. A first The US wants to review the agreement with Iran?

Les ministres des Affaires étrangères ont inauguré la nouvelle salle du Conseil (crédit : Conseil de l'UE)
Business NewsEU diplomacyGulf Middle East

The Europeans want to prepare an international conference on the future of Syria. The main axes of the EU (V2)

(B2) Face aux évolutions en Syrie, les chefs de la diplomatie européenne, réunis pour leur réunion mensuelle, le 16 janvier, ont tenu à affirmer leur soutien à la tenue d’une conférence internationale sur le futur

Donald Reagan greeting a certain Donald Trump a few years ago... (credit: Donald Trump)
Business NewsDoctrine EU PolicyNeighborhood enlargementEurope TürkiyeNATO

[Verbatim] NATO obsolete, EU too German, Brexit a good thing… The Trump festival continues

(B2) Faced with the remarks of the almost American President Donald Trump in an interview with the Times and the Bild (see box), the Europeans wanted to display a certain stoicism. But this apparent tranquility badly hides a

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Notebook (13.01.2017). RSUE (phasing out). EUNAVFOR Med (semi-failure). Frontex (Headquarters Agreement). MEPP ​​(findings). Trump (uncertain). Eucap Sahel Mali (extension). Iraq (blacklist). Libya (Italian Embassy). Denmark (Frontex). Germany (Minusma/Iraq). UN…

(B2) Recently published: A failure in the management of the Syrian crisis? (Holland) American support will not last forever, Europe must increase its defense cooperation (Merkel) On the agenda of the Council of
