B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

'OpenEU defense (doctrine)

[Verbatim] The return of power strategies in the Mediterranean (Hervé Bléjean)

(B2) Europeans must have a lucid view of their environment. Between a Russia already aggressive in Europe and in Africa, a China whose presence in the Mediterranean is announced, African countries which cannot support an overly paternalistic approach, an evolution is necessary.

Hervé Bléjean is the director of the EU general staff. His intervention at the Mediterranean strategic meetings in Toulon organized by the FMES, at the end of September.

The return of power strategies

The geopolitical environment is “ degraded ". There is a " return of power strategies ", a " rejection of forms of multilateralism ". We have entered a form of hybrid warfare, of low equity. The predominance of international multilateralism is “ everywhere contested in favor of a bilateral relationship ».

Contested international maritime law

“International maritime law (such as the Montego Bay Convention) – which was the glue and also sometimes the justification for a certain interventionism – is today contested. It is no longer automatically considered to have the force of law and takes a back seat to the bilateral invitation of a State to intervene for its benefit. » This has concrete consequences for Europeans. “ We are having difficulty obtaining the renewal of the Security Council resolutions which provided the foundation and the cement » European interventions (1).

Bilateral preferred to multilateral

For example, the European maritime operation in the Indian Ocean (EUNAVFOR Atalanta) is “not no longer authorized to enter territorial waters. A request from the Somalis who refused the renewal of the Security Council resolution ". The Somalis are “ agree that the European Union remains, but bilaterally ". The resolutions on Operation Irini [responsible for controlling the embargo in the central Mediterranean] “ are fragile ". " The Russians are blackmailing. » For the European operation in Bosnia-Herzegovina (EUFOR Althea), “ there is a real debate ". And " the Russians keep us in uncertainty until the last moment »

Europe at the heart of the global cauldron

With " the exacerbated context of the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and the food crisis that accompanies it, to which are added climate disruption... " Finally, " we are in a cauldron where everything is possible. All this has created ambiguities that our competitors will exploit. »

A Mediterranean, sea of ​​all challenges

In the Mediterranean, we go gradually have more boats, planes, drones, attacks in cyberspace. The risk of miscalculation and misinterpretation is growing. We must do everything to avoid it, but also do everything to prepare for it in order to react quickly ».

Chinese presence in the Mediterranean imperturbable

« How should we, as Europeans, characterize the relationship with China? » This is an important question. “ A partner without doubt but also surely a systemic competitor. That is to say a competitor in all areas. » China is today in “ ability to deploy a permanent force in the Mediterranean. The question is not “if”, but “when”. " What are we going to do, " knowing that they have got their hands on a certain number of port facilities " in this area ?

Listen to Africans

The message that Africans sent by abstaining or being absent during the vote on the resolution condemning Russia at the UN General Assembly [in March] must be heard » (2). When " a country like Mozambique – the next member of the United Nations Security Council and which hosts a CSDP mission – or Senegal – which chairs the African Union – abstains, it is a message that must be heard ". It is necessary " move away from the paternalistic vision towards a partnership of equals (3).

Africans who want an alternative

« There is a disinhibition in the speeches ". In Africa, " when we talk with heads of state, they tell us two essential things ". First of all, " we cannot have the West as our only model. We want alternatives ". Second, " the adversaries of our partners are not necessarily our adversaries ».

Denounce Wagner

Faced with this situation, in Africa, Europeans “ must have clearer language, particularly on Wagner ". It is " a company of mercenaries without faith or law, who are in predation mode of the countries they are supposed to help. We must say it clearly and not talk half-heartedly about affiliated forces »

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

  1. Lire: Operation Atalanta reconfigured?).
  2. Lire: [Analysis] At the UN Security Council, Africa stands out from Europe
  3. Also read the point of view of the European Parliament on this subject: [Interview] Horn of Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia… We must stop the paternalistic approach (Fabio Massimo Castaldo)

Read also: [Verbatim] Russian war in Ukraine: understanding the adversary in his rationality is an imperative (General Breton)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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