B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Fighter jet

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Notebook (19.06.2019). Confidential (COPS. Energy). Operations (PSDC Training. KFOR Austria. CSDP Agreement Jordan). Defense (SCAF agreement. Czech Republic rififi on US Helicopters. Sabca-Borsight F-16 USA. Sipri nuclear). Diplomacy (Gulf-Iran…

(B2) Recently published: The political crisis in Moldova is over. The Europeans push a phew! of relief (exclusive) European Peace Facility: debate blocked. A move expected from the High Representative and

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Notebook (12.09.2017). Zapad exercise. EUTM Mali (Belgian contribution). Recruitment (EUCAP Sahel Niger, EUPOL Copps). Sanctions (Russia-Ukraine, Mali, North Korea). COPS (calendar). Ukraine (minorities). CFSP (Angela Merkel). Corruption (report). Space…

(B2) Recently published: Venezuela. An options paper requested. Penalties under review? The situation in the Gulf of Guinea: still worrying, according to a European report The working methods of ministers in

The successor to the Rafale could be a Franco-German plane? - photo: a Rafale aircraft engaged in Operation Chammal (credit: DICOD / EMA)
Business NewsAviationMilitary cooperation (projects)

Will the European combat aircraft of the future be Franco-German? (V2)

(B2) Meeting at the Elysée Palace in Paris this Thursday (July 13), French and German leaders, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, made a substantial announcement: "to develop an air combat system

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Notebook (12.09.2016). EUTM RCA (delay). Germany (defense budget). Electromagnetic fields & military. Sweden (security and defense cooperation). Military circulation in the EU (Hanso). Türkiye (refugee aid). Syria (agreement). Libya (chemical weapons).…

(B2) Recently published: Parliament wants to see the European Defense Union come to fruition (draft report) The High Representative's ten proposals on defence. A necessary political impetus N°45. Europe facing

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Notebook (17.01.12016). Horn of Africa (CSDP Mission). Brexit (calendar). Finland (fighter planes). Rep. Czech (modernization). Anti-Daesh Coalition (Paris). Border Guard (acceleration). Brexit (discussions). Libya (investigation). Syria (Riad Hijab). Indonesia (attack).…

(B2) Recently published: Warsaw's objective: to have a 'sustainable' NATO presence. And permanent? Fight against corruption, decentralization… kyiv must do more say the 28 At the Foreign Affairs Council (18
