B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

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Notebook (07.06.2019). Confidential (Russia Sanctions). CFSP (Kazakhstan). Operations (KFOR Germany, EUTM RCA Macedonia). Defense (Austria Eurofighter. UK armour. BAE systems. Netherlands helicopters. Germany radios). Diplomacy (Sudan suspension, call for dialogue.…

(B2) Recently published: The Czech-German project on electronic warfare is framed (blog) Interviews. Europe must think better about its defense (L. Gautier) A partial agreement reached to improve returns Security, one

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Notebook (05.04.2019). Confidential (EU-UN terrorism, rural Africa). PESC (European diplomacy, Bank Mellat). Operations (KFOR Albania). Defense (USA-Hungary agreement, Bulgarian Air Force, USA-Turkey F-35). Diplomacy (Venezuela defiance, Algeria transition, Nagorno-Karabakh…

(B2) Recently published: Haftar's offensive on Tripoli worries Europeans (blog) Waxing of pumps widespread in Washington. Donald, the little father of the Alliance Alert! The calls for proposals for the program of

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Notebook (20.02.2019). Confidential (Ukraine Sanctions, UN-EU, Vietnam PSDC, EUTM RCA, Lambrinidis). Operations (EUTM Somalia understaffed, Amisom withdrawal Burundi, controversial Iraq, Arctic UK). Defense (Latvia disinformation, Lithuania missiles, Anti-tank drone,…

(B2) Recently published: (blog) European elections 2019: the EPP-S&D axis loses its absolute majority On the way to a Defense committee in the European Parliament? Network of foreign fighters. A Gardois put on the blacklist of
