B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

UN Security Council

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Notebook (29.04.2019). Confidential (COPS, Finnish Presidency, Sibiu Summit, EUFOR Althea). Defense (10th priority, France NGO complaint, Germany inspections, SIPRI Statistics). Diplomacy (USA Arms Treaty, Sahel Merkel, EU-Japan summit, Egypt, etc.

(B2) Recently published: The UN Security Council sets course for the fight against the financing of terrorism (resolution 2462) (blog) The five pirates arrested by the Spaniards transferred to the Seychelles Counter-terrorism

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Notebook (28.01.2019). Confidential (2019 High Representative, Sahel Regionalization, Pesco-Third Countries, Op.Sophia-France). PESC (Gymnich, Help nuclear power plants-PE). Operations (EUTM Mali-Czechia, MINUSCA). Defense (NATO-INF Treaty, Trump, Finland-fighter planes, United Kingdom-armed drones, Poland-Black…

(B2) Recently published: (blog) EUTM RCA begins the formation of a new territorial infantry battalion (blog) The European army could be seen as a snub by the United States (Exclusive) The ten essential points of the conclusions on

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Notebook (14.05.2018). Development Council (agenda). Specialized chambers (lawyers). Georgia (South Ossetia). Guinea-Bissau (UN RS). Libya (insecurity). Nordic cooperation. Armenia (Nagorno-Karabakh). Yemen (solution). Mogherini (Florence). Golan (Syria/Iran/Israel). Indonesia (attacks). Iraq,…

(B2) Recently published: A disciplinary transfer is the responsibility of the head of mission (Tribunal) The work of a European parliamentarian, what a great experience (Tarabella) Charlemagne Prize. A single solution: action, a single means:
