B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Rule of law

Watch book

Notebook (28.01.2021). Confidential. Defense. USA-NATO. Operations. Doctrine. Equipment. Companies. Diplomacy. Penalties. Crisis areas. Human rights. Neighborhood. Security. Powers. Member States. People

(B2) After the end-of-year relief from the agreement reached with the United Kingdom, the first hitches are coming. Refusal to grant diplomatic status to the ambassador of the European Union in London. And, above all, competition for delivery

David Sassoli, European Parliament side, and Michael Roth, German Minister for European Affairs, sign (credit: European Parliament)
Business NewsEU budget

MFF 2021-2027. Financial framework, recovery plan and budget: the end of a long suspense (v2)

(B2) The final arbitrations of the 27 unbridled all the negotiations on the budgetary “package” for Europe for the next seven years. In extremis. It is the culmination of more than two years of negotiations. Stay (just) at
