B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers


The presence of European gendarmes alongside their Central African counterparts could be a guarantee of the country's stability, argues France (credit: ECPAD - French gendarmes and Guardia civil in the EUFOR RCA operation - archives B2 June 2014)
Central Southern AfricaConfidential ProMissions Operations

A civilian mission in the CAR to strengthen the internal security forces: the reflection continues

(B2) The Ministers of Foreign Affairs had, on March 18, at the request of France, an exchange of views on the Central African Republic (CAR). Objective: to see how the EU can support the peace agreement

Watch book

Notebook (25.03.2019). Confidential (COPS Agenda, DR Congo recourse, Cultural Strategy, Defense Report). Defense (US Stock Poland, Germany Heron drones, UK E7, Tunisian Sailors Training, RUAG split). Diplomacy (Mali massacre,…

(B2) Recently published: A new mission to succeed Operation Sophia? (file) The screening of foreign direct investments. Reason: European security and public order China, USA, emerging countries. Europe wants to change
