B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Hans Peter Doskozil

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Notebook (04.07.2017). Estonia (defence priorities). EUPOL Cops (extension). CBSD (vote). EFSD (compromise). North Korea (sanctions?). Franco-British missile (firing). Bulgaria (General Staff). Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (resumed). Balkans (election). Qatar (Kuwait mediation).…

(B2) Recently published: A new number 2 at the head of the EUNAVFOR Med operation (blog) Finland and Sweden sign for the joint expeditionary force G3 interior ministers agree to support Italy

Austrian Defense Minister Hans Peter Doskozil surrounded by Generals Johann Frank and Bernhard Bair (credit: MOD Austria)
Business NewsBalkansBorders Immigration AsylumMissions Operations

Ministers from the East and the Balkans will write to Mogherini. We want a “border” CSDP mission

(B2) Around ten Defense Ministers from Eastern Europe and the Balkans (1) met in Vienna last Thursday and Friday (April 1). Objective: assert a firm position on the borders
