B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers


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Notebook (02.06.2017). Estonia (Pesco). G5 Sahel (funding). Cops (calendar). Marine Safety. Cybertoolbox. Battlegroup (2nd semester). Consensus development (adoption). EU-Ukraine (trade). Preparatory action (delegation agreement). AMISOM (extension). Terrorist propaganda...

(B2) Recently published: Climate. Juncker to Trump: "It doesn't work like that" (blog) Sylvie and Ursula in Berlin speak the same language. It remains to find the project (blog) Is there a command problem in

Business NewsWatch book

Notebook (31.05.2017). FAC June 19 (diary). Cops (calendar). Syria (names). Armed drones (report). Space (European market). ASD (Eric Trappier). Libya (violence). Egypt (attacks). Bahrain (fighting). Argentina (cooperation). South Caucasus…

(B2) Recently published: Preparatory action for better endowed defense research in 2018 Talk with Pierre Vimont on European defense (blog) They talk about us. Reader friends. It's your turn. Comment (blog) The

The High Representative in New Delhi
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Notebook (22.4.2017). Crash MH17 (satellite analysis). Regionalization (Conops). Atalanta (future). Battlegroups (reflection). Mogherini criticized. Cops (Kosovo). Gulf (displacement). Russia (visit). Al Qaeda (blacklist, modification). Libya (violence). EU-China (free trade).…

(B2) Recently published: Even if Iran respects the nuclear agreement, the United States wants to reconsider its position on the sanctions Attack on the Elysian Fields. Be careful not to give in to one-upmanship (blog)

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Notebook (10.03.2017). EEAS Directory. MPCC (manpower, support). GeohuB (test). Sanctions (Congo, Somalia, ©Ukraine). Dutch Army (unprepared). Czech Army (strength). Triton drones (Germany). EDA (2016 report). Türkiye (extradition). Iraq (Norway).…

(B2) Recently published: Permanent Structured Cooperation: let's stop talking about it. Let's do it! Slovaks in the Mediterranean (blog) The conclusions of the European Council adopted at 27… without Poland Poland refuses the conclusions. Good

Federica Mogherini et Edi Rama, le Premier ministre albanais, en conférence de presse, samedi 3 mars (Crédit : Commission européenne)
Business NewsBalkansEU diplomacy

The 28 worried about the situation in the Balkans (V2)

(B2) Rien ne va plus dans les Balkans, où les tensions politiques nationales et régionales s’exacerbent dangereusement, ravivant le spectre de la guerre. La chef de la diplomatie de l’Union européenne, revient d’une tournée régionale dans

Federica Mogherini s'exprime devant le Parlement serbe. Au fond à droite, quatre députés brandissent des pancartes contre l'UE (Crédit : Commission européenne)
Business NewsBalkansEU diplomacyNeighborhood enlargement

Mogherini's difficult tour of the Balkans

(B2) Pendant quatre jours (du 1er au 4 mars), la Haute représentante a s’est rendue dans les six pays des Balkans. Elle y a rencontré les acteurs politiques (parlements, gouvernements, opposition…) et la société civile, la

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Notebook (03.03.2017). COPS diary. Battlegroups. EUCAP Sahel Mali (recruitment). EUCAP Somalia (name). Ukraine (penalties). Minusma (General Deconinck) Sahara (adjustment). Sweden (military service). Artillery (FUZE project). SatCom (Spain). Mozambique (negotiations). UNITED STATES…

(B2) Recently published: An agreement to create an MPCC in slow-rock rhythm, pop rock will be for later Europe must continue to think “defense” – Beware of Mali, danger (A.

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Carnet (08.02.2017). OTAN-UE en Méditerranée (appel, réalité). Ambassadeur turc (UE). Recrutements (EDA, EULEX Kosovo). Congo (Sanctions). Mogherini (Washington). Trump (OTAN). Mogherini/Lavrov. Kosovo (Pont Mitrovica). Ambassadeur US (No du PE). Maroc…

(B2) Parus récemment : Oh my god ! Et si le DSaceur n’était plus british… (blog) Le message de fermeté des 28 sur le dossier ukrainien Des parcours différenciés. Oui mais en respectant certains principes (Benelux)

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Carnet (05.02.2017). Jumbo Défense. Conseil européen (Tusk). EUBAM (garde présidentielle). COPS (agenda). Financement (EDA). SEAE (Egypte). Iraq (Daesh). Ukraine (violences). Belgrade-Pristina (franche discussion). Arctique (militarisation). Libye (Turquie). RDC (sanctions/Tshisekedi). Gabon…

(B2) Parus récemment : La mission de conseil aux forces de sécurité ukrainiennes « EUAM Ukraine » Au bilan de B2 en 2016 … et des projets pour 2017 (blog) A Malte, les Européens s’engagent

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Notebook (27.01.2017). Africa (Early Warning). CAF (calendar). EUSR (adoption). ICC. Eunavfor Med (patch). Tunisia (penalties). Afghanistan (UK). UNFICYP (extension). Greece (Turkish military). Cyprus (negotiations). Israel (colonies/Gaza). Serbia/Kosovo (appeasement). Macedonia (government).…

(B2) Recently published: The four evolution paths for battlegroups (Grammatico) The training mission of the Somali army "EUTM Somalia" The EU wants to reinforce the means in Libya and increase the aid to the Libyan coast guard The operation

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Notebook (24.01.2017). Libya (Kobler). COPS (calendar). Belgium (EUTM Mali). Denmark (Syria). Gambia (Micega). Mattis-Stoltenberg. France (B2M, Cerbere). Cyprus (negotiations). Syria (Astana). Gambia (Barrow). Nigeria (survey). UfM (youth). Minusma (attack). Pakistan…

(B2) Recently published: The civilian mission to strengthen airport structures “EUAVSEC South Sudan” (file) (quezako) Fillon advocates a European defense alliance and a dialogue with Russia Hollande, President of Europe.

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Notebook (18.01.2017). Steinmeier (farewell). COPS (calendar). EUTM RCA (USA). Iraq (mission). Middle East (conclusions). North Korea (ships). Force Barkhane (arrests). Burundi (AMISOM). South Sudan (Regional Force). Circular economy (project).…

(B2) Recently published: Two Italians for a perch… And only one winner (blog) The length of proceedings before the Court engages the responsibility of the Union. A first The US wants to review the agreement with Iran?

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Notebook (19.12.2016). EUCAP Sahel Mali (extension). EUNAVFOR Sophia & Ong (Credendino) Eupol Afghanistan (closure). Russia sanctions (extension). South Sudan (Minuss/sanctions). WMD (threats). Spain (fiscal consolidation). Estonia (target: 2%).…

(B2) Recently published: A look back at the 1986 demonstrations and the death of Malik Oussekine (blog) The main changes in the “Defence” conclusions of the Summit (under the magnifying glass) Belgium. More than 1000 positions opened in 2017…

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Notebook (14.12.2016). EUCAP Sahel Mali / EUMM Georgia (head of mission). COPS (calendar). Belgrade-Pristina (Justice). Denmark (Daesh). Manul (extension). France (terrestrial future). Finland (42.7). Aleppo (civilians). Türkiye (attack/state of emergency). Forehead…

(B2) Recently published: The European Parliament wants to strengthen the EU's deterrence capabilities – Brok report A turning point in European defense policy (Analysis) (blog) The conduct of operations: a missing piece

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Notebook (07.12.2016). EUTM Mali (Belgium). Court (recruitment). Türkiye (enlargement). Libya (Daesh/humanitarian aid). UNMIL (future). RCA (sexual abuse). Czech Rep. (Constitution). Norway (Poseidon). Spain (helicopters). Portugal (defense). Netherlands (colonial memory). Syria (UN/Aleppo).…

(B2) Recently published: The EU and NATO want to define the markers of a renewed cooperation. Objective: to overcome the ghosts of the past Sea Guardian: a limited-scale operation (blog) EUTM Mali's priorities: re-training,

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Notebook (25.11.2016) COPS (diary). PSDC (Brok/Pascu reports). EU-Ukraine (summit). Armaments sector (Trump effect). Cyprus (disagree). Syria (diplomacy/Tribunal). West Bank (settlements). Belarus (democracy). DRC Congo (government). Haiti (elections). Türkiye…

(B2) Recently published: Preparatory action on defense research: “we are making good progress” (Denis Roger) What wouldn't we do for a helicopter contract… The De Decker affair threatens the government (blog) European Parliament

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Notebook (18.11.2016). Sanctions Syria (delisting, pleading). Conventional weapons (convention). France-Rep. Czech. Eurofighter (Finland). Defense (Verhofstadt). Russia (ICC). Ukraine (visa). Libya (migrants). Kosovo (telecom). Türkiye (visit postponed). Iran (Pitella). Syria (Embassy…

(B2) Recently published: Oettinger takes off with a businessman* France and the United Kingdom strengthen their cooperation in the Van Rompuy missiles in slam mode for a song in tribute to the victims of the attacks* A
