B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

nuclear non-proliferation

Federica Mogherini during her statement to the press on Friday evening (stream: EBS / selection: B2)
Business NewsEU diplomacyIran

It is not up to the United States to decide alone to change an international deal (Mogherini)

(B2) Intervening quite exceptionally, in a press briefing held at 19:15 p.m. on Friday, when the European institutions have generally closed their doors for more than an hour, the High Representative of the Union, Federica

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Notebook (01.09.2017). EUNAVFOR Med (OpPlan). EUAM Iraq (OpPlan). COPS (calendar). PESCO (meetings, Bulgaria). PESC (PE report). North Korea (sanctions/consolidation/missile firing). NATO (Hutchison). Eurocorps (relay).…

(B2) Recently published: Permanent structured cooperation. A framework or a process? (blog) Operation Sophia passes under Spanish command at sea The Bêkou fund for the Central African Republic, a nuanced success In the

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Notebook (04.04.2017). Recruitment (EUBAM Rafah/EUSR). PSDC (training). Non-proliferation (thinks-tank). Libya (sanctions). Yemen (sanctions). Türkiye (Facility for Refugees). Iraq (collateral damage). Russia (attack). Israel (colonies). Gabon (dialogue). DRC (assassinations). Belarus…

(B2) Recently published: An Indian dhow captured by pirates (blog) The EU sets its conditions for the reconstruction of Syria The Somali government must take its security in hand. It's urgent say the 28
