B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

ports de débarquement

Jean-Claude Juncker accused member states of not knowing what they want when it comes to border control (credit: EU Council)
North Africa - LibyaConfidential ProMissions Operations

Operation Sophia. Technical extension, for lack of anything better

(B2) In the absence of consensus on a more ambitious proposal, the ambassadors of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) ended up agreeing on this Friday (December 14), during a meeting specially convened after the Council

The club of supporters of a reinforcement of European defense - from left to right - A. Katic (Slovenia), F. Mogherini (EU), F. Parly (France), J. Lopes (Portugal), U. Von Der Leyen (Germany) (credit: Austrian EU Presidency)
Business NewsNorth Africa - LibyaMissions Operations

[Verbatim] In Vienna, the Italian ultimatum postponed for Operation Sophia

(B2) This is one of the main results of the informal meeting of defense ministers on Thursday (August 30) in Vienna. Operation Sophia is saved until the end of the year. The Italians gave up waving

Watch book

Notebook (23.07.2018). Fish (continued). Crimea (Sanctions). Blacklist (Iraq, Al Qaeda). Operation Sophia (Italy). South Lebanon (UN). Netherlands Türkiye (standardization). Syria (humanitarian access). Algeria (cooperation). Thailand (encouragement). RSUE CPI (request).…

(B2) Recently published: Two new Czech ministers in sovereign positions (blog) Irish succession for Operation Sophia The EIB will not finance projects in Iran but is ready to boost the European economy The 2018 rotation
