B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Sebastian Kurz

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Notebook (20.02.2019). Confidential (Ukraine Sanctions, UN-EU, Vietnam PSDC, EUTM RCA, Lambrinidis). Operations (EUTM Somalia understaffed, Amisom withdrawal Burundi, controversial Iraq, Arctic UK). Defense (Latvia disinformation, Lithuania missiles, Anti-tank drone,…

(B2) Recently published: (blog) European elections 2019: the EPP-S&D axis loses its absolute majority On the way to a Defense committee in the European Parliament? Network of foreign fighters. A Gardois put on the blacklist of

The meeting was marked by the increased presence of heads of government from ASEM countries. Chinese Prime Ministers Li Keqiang, Russian Dmitry Medvedev and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were present. (Credit: European Council)
Business NewsAsiaEU diplomacy

Europeans and Asians defend the virtues of multilateralism. They want to strengthen their security and commercial ties

(B2) The Twenty-Eight, joined by Norway and Switzerland, wanted to seal, during the Europe-Asia Summit (ASEM), with the leaders of 21 Asian countries, Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October, the strengthening of relations

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Notebook (20.12.2017). EU Defense (2018). PSDC missions (responsiveness, discipline, cultural heritage, Korea). COPS (diary). Syria (political support). Lebanon (Hariri). Sanctions Russia (Fico). Dual-use goods (regulation). Finland (survey). USA (budget).…

(B2) Recently published: Uber loses before the European Court. A fair reminder of the rule of law... A Dane appointed head of EUMM Georgia (Blog) Federica Mogherini's Merry Christmas to men and women

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Notebook (04.07.2017). Estonia (defence priorities). EUPOL Cops (extension). CBSD (vote). EFSD (compromise). North Korea (sanctions?). Franco-British missile (firing). Bulgaria (General Staff). Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (resumed). Balkans (election). Qatar (Kuwait mediation).…

(B2) Recently published: A new number 2 at the head of the EUNAVFOR Med operation (blog) Finland and Sweden sign for the joint expeditionary force G3 interior ministers agree to support Italy

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Notebook (19.05.2017). Mediterranean (NGO). Denmark (air support). Strengthen the EU (Kurz). EU-UN (cooperation). Macedonia (government). Neighborhood policy (review). Middle East (European mediation). Syria (Mogherini / court). UNMISS (European participation). RCA (attacks).…

(B2) Recently published: A final agreement on the mini EU military HQ (MPCC) On the way to a defense financing mechanism (CFM) The 28 are impatient for the CBSD Green light

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Notebook (03.03.2017). COPS diary. Battlegroups. EUCAP Sahel Mali (recruitment). EUCAP Somalia (name). Ukraine (penalties). Minusma (General Deconinck) Sahara (adjustment). Sweden (military service). Artillery (FUZE project). SatCom (Spain). Mozambique (negotiations). UNITED STATES…

(B2) Recently published: An agreement to create an MPCC in slow-rock rhythm, pop rock will be for later Europe must continue to think “defense” – Beware of Mali, danger (A.

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Notebook (10.01.2017). EUAM Ukraine, EUCAP Somalia, EUTM RCA (head). COPS (diary). AU Mission Burundi (financing). CAE (diary). EU delegations (internships). Turkish deserters (Verhofstadt). Czech-Slovakia (air). United Kingdom (A400M, laser weapon). France…

(B2) Recently published: File No. 48. Cypriot reunification: a long-term negotiation The last round of the Cypriot negotiation? Some thorny points still to be resolved The British PR responsible for negotiating
