B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

ASEM Summit

The meeting was marked by the increased presence of heads of government from ASEM countries. Chinese Prime Ministers Li Keqiang, Russian Dmitry Medvedev and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were present. (Credit: European Council)
Business NewsAsiaEU diplomacy

Europeans and Asians defend the virtues of multilateralism. They want to strengthen their security and commercial ties

(B2) The Twenty-Eight, joined by Norway and Switzerland, wanted to seal, during the Europe-Asia Summit (ASEM), with the leaders of 21 Asian countries, Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October, the strengthening of relations

Watch book

Notebook (19.07.2016). rotating presidency. Serbia (accession). Mali (Visit). Burundi (assassination). DRC Congo (dialogue). Zambia (election observation). Sahel (humanitarian aid). Sahel (humanitarian aid). Arabian Gulf (cooperation). China (cooperation). Asia (connectivity). Presidency…

(B2) Recently published: The European Union adjusts its strategy for Afghanistan The mediating trio in Venezuela supported by the Europeans The EU wants to strengthen the mandate of blue helmets in South Sudan Bojo… in full
