B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers


Meetings with the Balkan countries are usual. Here, Angela Merkel and Aleksandar Vučić at the Federal Chancellery (credit: Bundeskanzlerin June 2014)
BalkansConfidential ProEU diplomacy

In Berlin, a meeting and a dinner to stabilize the Balkans. Germany and France regain the initiative

(B2) The various protagonists of the Balkans meet in Berlin on Monday (April 29), under the leadership of two arbitrators: the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Objective: to regain the initiative to

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Notebook (26.01.2018). Tunisia (penalties). South Sudan (observation). EU Africa Summit (mess up). Military mobility (mapping). Stabilization (concept). SatCen (budget). EUPOL/EUBAM missions (Cops). EDIDP (acceleration, legal basis, budget). Türkiye/Germany (NAC). Chemical weapons (partnership).…

(B2) Recently released: Germany requests a NATO call to discuss the situation in Syria Defense procurement. Five States caught in the act of not respecting the directive (V2)
