B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

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The headquarters of the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) in Levallois, near Paris. (©NemesisIII)
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Intelligence: European cooperation must continue without losing its specificities (French Parliament)

(B2) The Parliamentary Intelligence Delegation (DPR), made up of elected representatives from both chambers of the French Parliament, has just published its 2018-2019 activity report. She discusses at length the question of the future of European intelligence How far to go

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Notebook (04.09.2019). Confidential (Agenda. PSC+9. EUCAP Somalia. EUTM Mali. Sophia). PESC (NGO letter. American in Brussels. Mogherini). Defense (Poland-Czechia aviation. Poland-US cooperation. Jiri Sedivy. Belgium Reaper. Denmark sonars. Netherlands…

(B2) Recently published: Balkans: the Albanian case continues to divide. Despite efforts, enthusiasm for enlargement wanes Pesco Project No. 13: Cyber ​​Attack Rapid Response Teams and Cybersecurity Mutual Assistance

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Notebook (28.06.2019). PESC (Iranian nuclear, Libya OPCW support. Extended Russian sanctions). Defense (MRTT simulators. Ground-to-air defence). Diplomacy (G20 letter and bilaterals. Tusk-Putin liberalism. Turkey trials. Australia. Sri Lanka executions). Neighborhood…

(B2) Recently published: (blog) Strong tribute from France to its allies for their transport support (blog) Sea Watch forces Italian territorial waters. State of necessity obliges. Silent Europe The Strategic Context Cases

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Notebook (19.04.2019). Confidential (enlargement report, Africa Peace Facility, Myanmar sanctions). Defense (Parly Yemen, Chad investigation, United Kingdom Underwater drones). Diplomacy (Libya bombings, Russia detentions, Cuba Helms-Burton, Caribbean Am. Latin strategy –…

(B2) Recently published: The European Defense Fund adopted by the European Parliament by a far from massive majority Manfred Weber's three ideas that can shake the European coconut tree In Agadez, for
