B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers


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Notebook (13.03.2019). Confidential (Brexit and NATO, Stoltenberg in Washington). PESC (Son Bin Laden, Prevention and Mediation). Defense (Gordon Sondland, Russian power, US reinforcements in Europe, EU arms export). Diplomacy (Helmets…

(B2) Recently published: The EU must emerge from the status quo to become attractive to citizens (Peter Pellegrini) On the agenda of the Council of Foreign Ministers (18 March 2019) Ultimate European proposal for

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Notebook (08.03.2019). Confidential (Iran sanctions, Sea of ​​Azov, IntCen, EU-China, Fincantieri). Defense (British Role, France Lanata). Diplomacy (Venezuela expulsion, EU-Africa food alliance). Neighborhood (EU-Türkiye). Security (RescUE, Nemouche trial). Powers (MFF justice,…

(B2) Recently published: European Prosecutor. Between a Romanian and a Frenchman, the hearts of Europeans swing The intelligence college in Europe is inaugurated Eritrea: an opportunity not to be missed for the

Despite appearances, the atmosphere was tense between Europeans and the Turkish leader. Only the Bulgarian Boïko Borissov, who holds the rotating presidency of the Union, is a little friendlier (Credit: Council of the EU)
Business NewsNeighborhood enlargement

Varna summit: neither progress nor compromise…

(B2) Bad relations with Cyprus and Greece, intervention in Syria, repression in Turkey, freezing of accession negotiations… The list of points of tension between Ankara and Brussels is long. The encounter between the European Union and
