B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

Defence, diplomacy, crises, powers

Day: 13th February 2019

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Notebook (13.02.2019). Confidential (European Summit, EP classified information). CFSP (EU-Cambodia withdrawal, EU-Morocco fisheries). Defense (EP artificial intelligence, NATO cyber hub, Austria European army, Netherlands radars, Poland artillery, Naval group, etc.

(B2) Recently published: The new civil protection mechanism (RescUE) adopted by the European Parliament Defence: States, industries must cooperate. Question of cost and autonomy (Jyrki Katainen) Relations between the Union

Timan Erdimi, president of the UFR, in an undated photograph released by his organization. He is himself the nephew and former chief of staff of President Idriss Déby Itno. (©DR/UFR)
'OpenNorth Africa - LibyaMissions Operations

French intervention in Chad: to consolidate Déby… or stabilize southern Libya?

(B2) Last week, a group of Chadian rebels from Libya tried to force their way into their country. At the request of the Chadian government, the French air force dispersed the combatants. If N'Djamena congratulates itself,
