B2 Pro The daily life of geopolitical Europe

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'OpenEU diplomacy

The Sobane attack: a crime against humanity? Europe asks the question

(B2) The massacre of a hundred civilians on Sunday (June 9) by armed groups in the village of Sobane, in central Mali, provoked a rapid reaction at European level. On the same day, around XNUMX people were killed in an attack in the commune of Arbinda, in northern Burkina Faso

Possible war crimes

« These abuses against populations can constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity “Reacted Monday evening (June 10) the spokesperson for the European diplomatic service (EEAS) Maja Kocijancic. Investigations " should be taken immediately." is the spokesperson. “Perpetrators must be brought to justice as soon as possible ". It also calls on the authorities to "[redouble]efforts to ensure the protection of populations and [to commit] in the implementation of the process of dialogue and reconciliation with all the communities ", as well as to engage, " emergency "," a process of disarmament and the dismantling of all the militias and self-defense groups that operate in these regions ».

The UN calls for a national surge

« I call on the Malian authorities to quickly investigate this tragedy and bring its perpetrators to justice “, also indicated Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Mali and head of MINUSMA. In an interview with RFI (extract), he insists on the fight against impunity which imposes itself » and calls for « a national upsurge to put an end to the infernal cycle of trivialization » deadly violence.


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